Wellington Acroyoga Masters Sessions– Sat 24th, Sun. 25th Jan. 2015

by Jan 12, 2015

wellington flyer

Xmas Hours

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Ashtanga Yoga – Bored Doing the Same Sequence?

I recently fielded a question from a student of mine who also teaches yoga. It went along the...

Yoga and Cultural Appropriation — Am I Guilty?

Yoga and Cultural Appropriation A little while ago a good friend was telling me that he'd been...

Mike’s Trip to Cambodia

I was going to write a blog about my trip to Cambodia at the end of Sept. and early Oct. but...

Parampara- The Importance of Lineage in Yoga

Later this year I will celebrate 20 years of Ashtanga Yoga practice. My first year of practice was...

Mula Bandha

What is this mysterious “root lock” and how do we access it in our daily asana practice? A quick...