Peter is here again. 5 Mysore Morning Ashtanga Yoga practices starting on Wednesday 29th March and ending Sunday 2nd April. Start times 6 or 6.30 am on Wed. to Fri. and 8 or 8.30 on Sat. and Sun. Cost is $135 for all 5 sessions or $30 per session. If you have yet to experience one of Peter’s workshops then book now and find out why he is in such demand both here and internationally. Booking is required for this workshop so contact Mike now.
5 Mysore Mornings with Peter Sanson: Wed. 29th March. to Sun. 2nd April 2017

Is it necessary to book for Peter’s workshop? I practice in Napier , and planning to drop in in the Wellington workshop if I can. I just don’t know when or how many days….
Hair om
Hi Harumi.
Peter does prefer people to book, but having said that, we can usually squeeze people in. If the room is full, you may just have to wait a while until a space becomes free. Just come…