Knees and Ashtanga Yoga.

by Aug 5, 2019

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Yoga and Spirituality — “Pick a God. Any God”

Years ago in the Shala in Lakshmipurram one of the students asked Guruji which God they should...

Mike’s PledgeMe Campaign – Rewards Winners

For those of you who aren't aware of it, I decided that this year, in order to...

Ashtanga Yoga – The Movement from Tapas to Japas

Do you feel like you are stuck in your practice? Haven't had a new posture for years and wondering...

Pandemics and Politics 2020

An Aotearoa/NZ Ashtanga Perspective: Now that we have finally got to 2021, I thought I'd do a...

Guruji — Still my Guru?

The Full Moon we just had on 16th July marked Guru Purnima and Guruji's birthday. This year like...