Mid Year Break 2024

by Jul 1, 2024

Mid Winter Break

Recent posts

From the archives

Ashtanga Yoga – Bored Doing the Same Sequence?

I recently fielded a question from a student of mine who also teaches yoga. It went along the...

Practice, Practice, Practice….What Practice?

Thank you for the intelligent questions in relation to my Blog post “Time to Give up Asana, Old...

My Knees Hurt – Pain in Ashtanga Yoga

I have blogged about this subject before, but this is the time of the year when I seem to get a...

Yoga and Spirituality — “Pick a God. Any God”

Years ago in the Shala in Lakshmipurram one of the students asked Guruji which God they should...

Recent posts

From the archives

Ashtanga Yoga – Bored Doing the Same Sequence?

I recently fielded a question from a student of mine who also teaches yoga. It went along the...

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga- No Props, No Blocks

Mike… would you be inspired to write something about (Ashtanga) Yoga and the use of props? Also...

Yoga and Cultural Appropriation — Am I Guilty?

Yoga and Cultural Appropriation A little while ago a good friend was telling me that he'd been...

Mike’s PledgeMe Campaign – Rewards Winners

For those of you who aren't aware of it, I decided that this year, in order to...

Guide to Yama Part 5 — Aparigraha

Aparigraha is the fifth and final of the Yamas and translates as refraining from covetousness or...