Matariki Holiday 2024 Celebration

by Jun 15, 2024

Matariki Holiday — 28/06/2024

Matariki Holiday

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Excerpt From “One Shoe Over the Fence” by Stephen Simes

I suck at being married ‘My illusions didn't have anything to do with being a fine actress, I knew...

Practice, Practice, Practice….What Practice?

Thank you for the intelligent questions in relation to my Blog post “Time to Give up Asana, Old...

Peter Sanson Workshop 22nd – 26th July

Peter missed his March workshop with us due to the Covid rahui. We are pleased to announce that he...

First Master Asana – Part 2

I am constantly receiving emails and requests to attend or advertise workshops that involve...

Consolidation Asana in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Everyone who practices Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, no matter how strong or how flexible they are,...