A Practical View of Yama pt2 — Satya

Satya is Truthfulness. In the “Yoga Mala” Guruji writes, “One should always tell the truth in thought, word, and deed.” I also remember him in “conference” in Mysore, asking someone who claimed to have experienced “kundalini rising,” if they practiced Satya. He...
Afternoon Tea at The Shala –  4 Workshops

Afternoon Tea at The Shala – 4 Workshops

Afternoon Tea at The Shala is a series of short workshops for beginners and regular practitioners who want to refresh their base knowledge of the practice. The afternoon will be divided into two parts in line with Astanga Yoga Philosophy: 1% theory, 99% practice....

A Practical View of Yama – Pt 1 Ahimsa

The first limb of Ashtanga Yoga is Yama. This consists of 5 parts; ahimsa; satya; asteya; brahmacharya; and aparigraha. The first of these is ahimsa or nonviolence. As Guruji says in his “Yoga Mala” this means “not causing injury to anyone, including animals, in any...