Consolidation Asana in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Everyone who practices Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, no matter how strong or how flexible they are, eventually gets to an asana that they cannot immediately do. It may be in Marichyasana B or D of the Primary Series. Or the Bhujapidasana, Supta Kurmasana, Garbhapindasana...

Dogma and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

I have written in the past that I spend very little time on the internet reading “Yoga Blogs”. In my last newsletter I decided that I would see if I could provide an interesting, broadly yoga based link for each edition. This has meant that I am looking at a few more...

Peter Sanson Workshop – 19th to 23rd March

Peter is here again. 5 Mysore Morning Ashtanga Yoga practices starting on Wednesday 19th March and ending Sunday 23rd March. Start times 6 or 6.30 am on Wed. to Fri. and 8 0r 8.30 on Sat. and Sun. Cost is $135 for all 5 sessions or $30 per session. If you have yet to...