Mike’s Blog

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Guide to Yama Part 5 — Aparigraha

Aparigraha is the fifth and final of the Yamas and translates as refraining from covetousness or non-greed. To follow this yama is to live a simple life without over indulgence. This needs to be both in the practical sense of not eating too much or subjecting oneself...

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and Faith

There are always times in your life when you are overcome with doubt. Doubt about your place in the world, or your ability to cope. Doubt about the future of mankind, or the goodness of those around you. Doubt about the meaning of it all, or your ability to write a...

Mike’s Trip to Cambodia

I was going to write a blog about my trip to Cambodia at the end of Sept. and early Oct. but instead I have decided to publish a small selection of photographs from the trip. These pictures were taken on my mobile phone and I am certainly not a photographer, but they...