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A Practical View of Yama pt3 — Asteya
After writing in my last blog that truth could only be totally practiced in silence I had a bit of a crisis of conscience. It seems that these days with so many people around the world teaching and practicing yoga that there is a tsunami of writing and talking and...
A Practical View of Yama pt2 — Satya
Satya is Truthfulness. In the “Yoga Mala” Guruji writes, “One should always tell the truth in thought, word, and deed.” I also remember him in “conference” in Mysore, asking someone who claimed to have experienced “kundalini rising,” if they practiced Satya. He...
A Practical View of Yama – Pt 1 Ahimsa
The first limb of Ashtanga Yoga is Yama. This consists of 5 parts; ahimsa; satya; asteya; brahmacharya; and aparigraha. The first of these is ahimsa or nonviolence. As Guruji says in his “Yoga Mala” this means “not causing injury to anyone, including animals, in any...