Mike’s Blog
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A Practical View of Yama – Pt 1 Ahimsa
The first limb of Ashtanga Yoga is Yama. This consists of 5 parts; ahimsa; satya; asteya; brahmacharya; and aparigraha. The first of these is ahimsa or nonviolence. As Guruji says in his “Yoga Mala” this means “not causing injury to anyone, including animals, in any...
Ex Shearer’s Guide to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga – Part 1
We are now well into the new year and enjoying the warmth of Summer. Often at this time of the year I find myself taking stock a little. For a while now I have had an idea to use this blog as a way of giving my view of what Ashtanga is. As I have said in the past, I...
2015 – A Good Year, and Post Surgery Yoga Recovery
With Christmas just around the corner I have found myself reflecting a little on the year that is almost finished. It has been a great year in the studio. I feel incredibly blessed to have the privilege of being part of the beautiful Ashtanga Yoga community in...