Yoga Stops Traffick

On Saturday 10th March from 10am to 12pm Nick will be taking a traditional “Mysore style” class as part of the “Yoga Stops Traffick” initiative. This class will be by koha (donation) with all funds going to Odanadi Seva Trust, to give survivors...

Christmas 2011 Holiday Times

Our last class for 2011 will be a Led Full Primary Series class on Wed. the 21st December. We will go out for dinner after the class. Our first class for 2011 will be the morning Open class on Monday 16th January. Thank you to all our students for a fantastic 2011....

Labour Weekend Workshop with Martina Gotz

Friday 21st 6pm-8pm                Led ½ Primary in English  -A technique detailed led practice to ease into the weekend. Saturday 22nd 9am-11am      Mysore Style  Sunday 23rd 9am-11am          Led Primary in Sanskrit  -Experience the flow of the current method of led...

Queens Birthday Weekend

There will be no Friday evening Full Led Primary Series class and no Sunday morning Led class and no classes on Monday over the Queens Birthday long weekend from Fri. 3rd to Mon. 6th June. We will be back teaching as normal on Tues. 7th. Have a great long...

Easter Holiday Break 2011

We are taking an extended Easter Break this year. There will be no classes on Thursday 21st April and through to Tuesday 26th April. The school will re-open with classes as usual on Wednesday 27th April. Enjoy your Easter break.