Important News

Peter Sanson is here for a workshop on the weekend of Fri. 26th to Sunday 28th Nov. Click here for details.  There will be NO led class on Sunday morning 28th November. We are attending a family function over the same weekend and will not be back until late on Monday....

Friday Led Full Primary Series

Our next Friday Full Led Primary Series will be on Fri. 5th Nov. This is a chance to come and do a Led class that emphasises Vinyasa, or breath and movement. You do not need to be practising all the Primary Postures to come and do this class as you can stop where you...

Labour Weekend Holiday

The yoga school will be closed this weekend for the Labour Weekend Holiday. There will be no Led class on Sunday morning 24th  and no classes on Monday 25th October. Classes resume as usual on Tuesday 26th October. Enjoy the break. Fingers crossed for good weather...

First Friday of the Month Full Led Primary Series

I am going to do the first Friday of every month Full Led Primary Series until the end of the year, starting on Fri. 1st October. This is a chance to come and do a Led class that emphasises Vinyasa, or breath and movement. You do not need to be practising all the...

Peter Sanson Workshop 8th – 12th Sept.

Peter Sanson: Started yoga practice in 1985 and has dedicated his life to the practice and study of Ashtanga Yoga. He spent 21 years studying under the late Yoga master Guru Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, Sth India. During this time,Peter also studied Sanskrit, yoga...