Peter Sanson Workshop – 19th to 23rd March

Peter is here again. 5 Mysore Morning Ashtanga Yoga practices starting on Wednesday 19th March and ending Sunday 23rd March. Start times 6 or 6.30 am on Wed. to Fri. and 8 0r 8.30 on Sat. and Sun. Cost is $135 for all 5 sessions or $30 per session. If you have yet to...

Labour Weekend Workshop with Martina

Friday 25th 6pm-8pm LED 1/2 PRIMARY -A technique detailed led class up to Navasana to ease into the weekend. Saturday 26th 9am-11am MYSORE STYLE -Traditional self practice style class with personalised assistance. Sunday 27th 9am-11am LED COUNTED PRIMARY -A beautiful...

Spring Led Full Primary Series. Sat. 5th Oct. at 4 pm.

Our next Led Full Primary Series mini workshop is on Sat. 5th October at 4 pm. The theme will be “Ashtanga Yoga with a Spring in Your Step”. Booking is essential to attend this session. Maximum of 18 people and minimum of 15. If I do not have 15 booked the session...

Easter Weekend Break 2013

We will be closed for the Easter Holiday Break. There will be no classes on Fri. 29th, or Sun. 31st March and on Mon. 1st April. We will resume classes as normal on Tues. 2nd April. Please enjoy your Easter Holiday