by Mike Berghan | Jun 3, 2013 | Mike's Blog, Uncategorized
The 18th and 19th of May are now always a bit of an emotional time for me. The 18th is the anniverary of Guruji passing and the 19th is my birthday (I completed 55 years this time) and the two things have become, somehow linked for me. This year it got me to thinking...
by Mike Berghan | Apr 25, 2013 | Mike's Blog
I normally make a point of not being “political” in my blog posts. The recent bombing at the Boston Marathon has filled my mind so much that I do want to publish what I think about it. My overriding feelings, beyond my sorrow and sympathy for those affected, is that I...
by Mike Berghan | Dec 5, 2012 | Mike's Blog
Thank you for the intelligent questions in relation to my Blog post “Time to Give up Asana, Old Man”. I will attempt to answer these below starting from the bottom up. Here’s where my curiousity was piqued: 1. “It is who I am and I enjoy it.” –...
by Mike Berghan | Oct 13, 2012 | Mike's Blog
Mike… would you be inspired to write something about (Ashtanga) Yoga and the use of props? Also what Guriji thought about it? I was exposed to a few Iyengar style and other style classes and I noticed the extensive use of props and in a way it seemed to nurture a...
by Mike Berghan | Aug 29, 2012 | Mike's Blog
I suck at being married ‘My illusions didn’t have anything to do with being a fine actress, I knew how third rate I was. I could actually feel my lack of talent, as if it were cheap clothes I was wearing inside. But, my God, how I wanted to learn, to change, to...
by Mike Berghan | Jul 4, 2012 | Mike's Blog
For a long time now I have never really asked myself why I do my Ashtanga Vinyasa practice 5 or 6 days a week. If anyone asked me I would say because it is who I am and that I enjoy it. As the result of a couple of recent conversations, and these cold Wellington...