A Practical View of Yama – Pt 1 Ahimsa

The first limb of Ashtanga Yoga is Yama. This consists of 5 parts; ahimsa; satya; asteya; brahmacharya; and aparigraha. The first of these is ahimsa or nonviolence. As Guruji says in his “Yoga Mala” this means “not causing injury to anyone, including animals, in any...

The Guru Connection

With the proliferation of different styles of yoga these days I wonder if an essential aspect is being down played. This is the concept of “paramparā” or a succession of teachers in a traditional lineage. Intrinsic to this concept is the one of “Guru” (teacher) and...
23 Years of Ashtanga Yoga Practice

23 Years of Ashtanga Yoga Practice

I attended my very first yoga class at the Wainui Beach Tennis club rooms in 1992. I cannot credit that it was that long ago, because my practice still feels fresh to me. It still feels raw, with lots of rough edges. The beauty of this is that it still excites me. I...